Pricing & Details
Pricing & Details
Guests Information
Guests Information
Minimum number of guests:
Maximum number of guests:
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy
How it works
Choose an experience
Simply choose from one of our ready-made catering experiences for your required guest count.
Check provider availability
Choose the date and time for your event. Once you book the package, we will check the availability of the provider. You will not be charged at this point, and we only hold the amount on your card.
Sit back & let us do the rest
If the provider is available we will book the event and charge your card. You will then be connected with the provider to discuss any details.
Frequently Asked Questions
How far in advance do I need to place my order?
Each catering partner has their own preparation time before they can commit to the event. At the time of checkout, you can see the next available time slots for the catering partner. This allows our catering partners ample time to prepare and ensures a seamless catering experience for you and your guests.
What happens after I checkout?
Once you checkout, you will receive an email confirmation to let you know that your order has been received. If a vendor accepts your order, you'll receive another email confirming your order and you will be able to chat/call the vendor on the YouCater website, iOS app or Android app.
In a rare case, if a vendor cannot accept your event we will revert your payment promptly.
What if I need to make changes to my order after it's been confirmed?
No problem! If you need to make changes to your order, simply reach out to the vendor directly through our platform. They'll do their best to accommodate your requests, depending on their availability and the timing of your event.